
Foundation Design Studio
Foundation Design Studio
Autor:in: Gilead Duvshani
ISBN: 9783803032119
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsdatum: 2010
Umfang: 244 S., 350 meist farb. Abb.
Format: Paperback, 25 x 20 cm
What is design? How is design taught? What is the starting point for a design course? Is there a clear method for teaching design?
These are questions that engage any individual who studies or teaches design. In this volume, Gilead Duvshani introduces a structured unique perspective on teaching the fundamentals of design. This innovative course emphasizes a strong belief in the need to train designers as thinking individuals whose art conveys their personal narrative, statement, and worldview.

„Foundation Design“ stresses the link between creativity and the ability to imagine and express a personal narrative, especially in our global world, where the need for an authentic definition of individual and community expression is highlighted by domination of conventional marks of marketing success and mass production.

Accordingly, the process described in this book moves from statement and personal story to social contexts and needs. Finally, „Foundation Design“ reflects our recognition that all fields of design share a common foundation and way of thinking about how ideas are conveyed.

Gilead Duvshani is a professor of architecture at the Holon Institute of Technology School of Design. This volume introduces a course on the fundamentals of design developed by Duvshani as a basic course for students of all design departments.

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