Architects must focus on creating spaces and cities that are democratic, sensible, long-lasting and tolerant. It sounds simple and obvious, but it isn’t. SeARCH questions the merits and banalities of modern civilization, so well exhibited by the contemporary city. We try to (re)connect cultural artifacts with genuine natural elements. Design teams collaborate with different disciplines to experiment and test the results of collective design sessions, in order to give an opportunity to innovative proposals.
In order to find you have to SeARCH.
SeARCH stands for Stedenbouw en ARCHitectuur (Urban Planning & Architecture).
Our projects are conceived as landscapes - the most essential and generous element. Without boundaries, landscapes are endless and open; they connect architecture with the urban, interior with exterior. Through the emphasis on landscapes, SeARCH promotes a high degree of sustainability and environmental awareness within their projects. Being Dutch, we are well aware of the scarcity of land and believe strongly in using this resource more intelligently in order to give „nature“ more space to survive.
m= magazine, b= book, c= catalogue, g= guide, p= newspaper, t= television, r= radio
2011 > Marie Claire 266, Villa Vals GR (m), Wallpaper * 1, Villa Vals, UK
2010 > Venuez 20, Mercatorplein, NL, (m); Prachtig Compact Nederland, Floating Docks, NL (b); Elle Interiør 10, Villa Vals, no, (m); Van Architectuur tot Zuidas, synagoge, NL, (b), Architectures a Vivre - Best of 3/ Hors de, Trommel, FR (m); Elle Decoration 220, Villa Vals, UK, (m); 80th Aniversary of l'Architecture d'ajourd'hui, Villa Vals, FR, (m); Elle Wonen 12, Villa Vals, NL (m); Elle Decoration 6, Villa Vals, DE, (m); AWM 37, Synagogue, NL, (m); RUM 211, Villa Vals, DK, (m); De Architect, Synagogue, NL (m); Maison Francaise 12, Villa Vals, FR, (m); Schoener Wohnen, Villa Vals, DE, (m); Duurzaam gebouwd 11, BNA& GreenReSeARCH, NL, (m); Represent; Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum, Synagogue, NL (m); De Architect 36, Stool, NL, (m); NRC Handelsblad, Synagogue, NL, (k), Børsen Bolig, Villa Vals, DK, (m), Design Manual for Revitalizing Existing Buildings, CH, Culture cluster, (b); Vliegwielproject A1 Zone - Groen transferium Holten, Holten Springs, NL, (m); Stad van de Toekomst; NRC Handelsblad, NL, (k); Dakenraad 98, Mercatorplein, NL (m); Joodse Omroep, Synagogue, NL (t); NOS Journaal, BNA, NL, (t); PS van de week, Eat Me, NL, (k); La Repubblica da casa, Villa Vals, IT, (m); RUM, synagogue, SV, (m); Pi 21, synagogue, NL (m); The New Modern House, Wolzak, UK, (b); De Volkskrant, Mercatorplein, NL, (k); Docol Magazine 9, Villa Vals, BR, (m); Architectuur.nl 9, Wagner Museum, NL, (m); De Volkskrant, synagogue, NL, (k); Elle Decoration 4, Villa Vals, DE, (m); A10 35, Het Podium, NL, (m); Radio 1, Goedemorgen Nederland, BNA (r); De Ingenieur 13, Cremer Museum, NL, (m); Plaza 8, Villa Vals (m); Trouw, synagogue, NL, (k); Trouw, synagogue, NL, (k); Trouw, synagogue, NL, (k); Nederlands Dagblad, synagogue, NL, (k); Het Parool, synagogue, NL (k); Architecture Malaysia, SeARCH, Bjarne Mastenbroek, ML, (m); ORIS 64, Villa Vals, CR, (m); Trouw, BNA, SeARCH, NL, (k); Urban Flux 16, Forest Tower, CN, (m); L'Hebdo, Villa Vals, CH, (m); De Financiele Telegraaf, BNA Ondernemerschap, NL, (k); De Architect 41, SeARCH, NL, (m); AWM Architectenweb Magazine 34, De Meester, NL, (m); Home & Garden 8, Forest Tower, NL, (m); Financieel Dagblad, SeARCH; Culture Cluster, NL, (k); A10 34, Mercatorplein, (m); Cobouw 107, Synagogue, NL, (k); a+u 477, Villa Vals, JP, (m); Elle Wonen 152, Forest Tower, NL, (m); de Volkskrant, Forest Tower, NL, (k); About: Blank 2, Villa Vals, Brazil, (m); Shanghai Home Living 116, Villa Vals, CN, (m); Grand Designs 75, Villa Vals, UK, (m); Le Temps, Villa Vals, FR, (k); Het Parool, Mercatorplein, NL, (k); AWM Architectenweb Magazine 33, BNA, NL, (m); S+RO 2, BNA, NL, (m); Het Parool, Mercatorplein, NL, (k); Het Parool, De Meester, NL, (k); Financieel Dagblad, BNA, NL, (k); Het Parool, BNA, NL, (k); Het Parool, IJ dock, NL, (k);De Architect, Visie; 40 jaar de Architect, NL, (m); Architectural Record, Record Houses 2010, Villa Vals, USA, (m); SC super consciousness 1, Villa Vals, USA, (m); a+a 3, Villa Vals, CH, (m); Trouw; de Verdieping, Forest Tower, NL, (k); Volkskrant, Kunst & boeken deel, Forest Tower, exhibition Architecture of Consequence, NL, (m); NRC Handelsblad, Bostoren, NL, AD Territory, Forest Tower, UK, (m); IdealesHEIM, Villa Vals, DE (m); Neuer Wohnungsbau in den Niederlanden, Scherf 13, D, (b); AT magazine, Villa Vals, IL, (m); AD architectural digest 3, Villa Vals, RUS, (m); Het Parool Extra, Ijdock, NL, (k); Architectuur.org, Cremer Museum, NL, (web); Octogon, Villa Vals, HU, (m); DBZ, Deutsche BauZeitschrift 2, Villa Vals, D, (m); Jazo Zevenaar 1, SWG leerpark, NL, (c); Wallpaper 130, Villa Vals, UK, (m); Bright 32, Vals, NL, (m); Die Südostschweiz, Vals, CH, (k); Volkskrant, visie, NL, (k); De Architect 1, Villa Vals, NL, (m); Abitare 499, Villa Vals, IT, (m); Dax 29, SWG leerpark, NL, (m); Pasajes Diseno 19, Villa Vals, ES, (m); BIANCO, Villa Vals, CH, (m); Catalogus Industriestrasse / Bocholter Aa, Industriestrasse bocholter AA, DE. (c); Abitare 499, Villa Vals, IT;
2009 > Wa wettbewerbe aktuell, Stadskantoor Rotterdam, D, (m); Concept 128, Stadskantoor Rotterdam, KOR, (m); United Project Files extra 3, Nijmegen, JP, (m); fd. Persoonlijk 42, Villa Vals, NL, (m); oog voor welstand 19, Junior College, NL, (m); Projectenboek 2008-2009, De Meester, NL, (m); 10 x 10 /3, 100 Architects 10 Critics 3, Wolzak House, Soft-edge, Culture Cluster, Junior College, UK, (m); Architectuur als noodzaak, Bostoren, NL, (b); MARK 23, Vals, UK, (m); De Volkskrant, Stadskantoor Rotterdam, NL, (k); Multi.magazine, Mosveld, NL, (m); Dutch Design Works, Culture Cluster, Villa Vals, Bostoren, NL; Arketipo 37, De Wolzak, IT, (m); BIANCO - Alpine Lifestyle Magazine, villa vals, CH, (m); Nieuwe Veluwe, Bostoren, NL, (m); SeARCH, Oeuvre, NL, (b); Cultural Centres Architecture 1990 – 2011, Triade, IT, (b); Algemeen Dagblad, Stadskantoor Rotterdam, NL, (p); AMC le Moniteur 91, Cultuurcluster, FR, (m); Catalogus tentoonstelling Dentelles d'Architecture, Podium, FR, (c); Architectuur NL 6, De Meester, NL, (m); Architectural Diary, Synagoge, D, (b); Steen, visie, NL, (b); Deutsche Bauzeitung, Bostoren, NL, (m); MARK 21, Bostoren, UK, (m); Gevelbouw 1, Blok 5, NL, (m); Architectenweb Magazine 26, Bostoren, NL; Juryrapport Arie Kepplerprijs, Juniorcollege, NL, (b); Il Giornale dell' Architettura 74, Cultuurcluster, IT; Architecturen 2009, Juniorcollege, NL, (m); Big Architecture 09 Hise Awards, visie, SL, (tv); Vision 10, Podium, NL, (m); de Volkskrant / Kunstbijlage, Bostoren, NL, (m); Bijspijkeren 1, Synagoge, NL, (p); Een traditie van verandering. De architectuur van het hedendaagse schoolgebouw, Juniorcollege en Brederocollege, NL, (m); Magma 5, Podium, NL, (b); Architectenweb Magazine 24, ICC, NL, (m); BNAblad 2, Scherf 13, NL, (m); Architectuur Lokaal
EU aanbestedingendag 66, visie, NL, (m); Bouwwereld, 1: Bostoren, NL (m); Tech21: Culture Cluster Roombeek (m), A+U Publishers: Bostoren, Japan (m)
2008 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2007-08: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NAi Publishers, NL (b); ArchitectuurNL 3: Junior College, NL (m); Perspective 3: Junior College, China (m); Farmhouses in Transition: Wolzak farmhouse, C3, Korea (b); Icon Magazine 58: Junior College, UK (m); MARK 13: Junior College, UK (m); Dax 19: Floriande Island 7, NL (m); Het Rozendaal, herinneringen aan een prachtige toekomst: Culture Cluster Roombeek, Gemeente Enschede, NL (b); ArchitectuurNL 4: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NL (m); Eiland 7, tales from suburbia, IoP/ NAi Publishers, NL (b); Bouwwereld 7: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NL (m); MARK 14: Blok 5, UK (m); de Architect 6: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NL (m); Architectenweb Magazine 18: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NL (m); Bauwelt 23: Culture Cluster Roombeek, DE (m); L'industria delle costruzioni 401: Floriande Island 7, IT (m); Icon Magazine 60: Culture Cluster Roombeek, UK (m); Deutsche Bauzeitung: Culture Cluster Roombeek, Germany (m); MARK 15: Culture Cluster Roombeek, UK (m); Architectenweb Magazine 20: Junior College, NL (m); Bouwwereld 14: Blok 5, NL (m); United Project Files 1: Villa Vals, Japan (m); Bouwen met beton 9: Embassy Addis Ababa, NL (m); House with a View: Villa Vals, The Images Publishing Group – Philip Jodidio (b); New Directions in Contemporary Architecture: Posbank, Wiley – Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, USA (b), de architect 12: Villa Vals, NL (m)
2007 > ACC 1: Scherf 13, Russia (m); MARK 2: Scherf 13, NL (m); Abitare 469: Embassy Addis Ababa, Spain (m); Architectenweb Magazine 2: Salamander, NL (m); Architectenweb Magazine 3: Scherf 13, NL (m); SeARCH book #3, San Du Cultural Media Co, Japan (b); Europan Generation: Gerard Noodtstraat, Synagoge LJG, Culture Cluster Roombeek & Kop van Kessel-Lo, Europan Europe, France (b); Interior Digest 6: Wolzak farmhouse, Russia (m); Bouwplaats Enschede, een stad herschept zichzelf: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Rehabilitacion de casas rurales: Wolzak farmhouse, Monsa Publishers, Spain (b); 100 Great extensions & renovations: Wolzak farmhouse, Images Publishing, Australia (b); Future 6: AIST Campus Abuja, Spain (m); Bouwwereld 15: Soft-edge, NL (m); Stedenbouw 653: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NL (m); Architectuur Lokaal 59: Culture Cluster Roombeek, NL (m); Vast 7: Schijf, NL (m); A+U 447: Landgoed Schovenhorst, Villa Vals, Embassy Addis Ababa, Japan (m); Stadscahiers 3: Hoogvliet Wijnruitstraat, NL (m); Design Addict 2: Interview w/ David Gianotten, Japan (m); Construction ahead: Embassy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (b)
2006 > Het gouden woonboek 2006: Embassy Addis Ababa, NL (m); Made in Holland 2006: Embassy Addis Ababa, NL (m); Puu Wood 1: Wolzak farmhouse, Finland (m); A10 7: Landgoed Schovenhorst, NL (m); Casabella 4: Embassy Addis Ababa, IT (m); de Architect 4: culture cluster Roombeek, NL (m); de Architect 6: Synagogue LJG, NL (m); NL Architecture in the Netherlands: Posbank pavilion & Wolzak farmhouse, Taschen Verlag, Germany (b); Architectural Review 5: Embassy Addis Ababa, UK (m); Gevelbouw 10: Scherf 13 housing, NL (m); de Architect 11: Scherf 13 housing, NL (m); Architectural Record 12: Design Vanguard 2006, Wolzak farmhouse, Posbank pavilion, Embassy Addis Ababa, Landgoed Schovenhorst, Floriande Island 7 housing & Synagogue LJG, USA (m); Projectenboek Amsterdam 2005-06: Clubhouse Sporting West, NL (b); SeARCH book #2, Actar Publishers, Spain (b)
2005 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2004-05: Wolzak farmhouse, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Rooftop architecture, building on an elevated surface: Gerard Noodtstraat housing & Trommel housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); de Architect 2: Interview w/ Bjarne Mastenbroek, Wolzak farmhouse, NL (m); het Houtblad 2: Floriande Island 7 housing, NL (m); A+U 415: Wolzak farmhouse, Japan (m); Nieuwbouw en openbare ruimte Den Haag 03-04: Leidscheveen housing, Gemeente Den Haag publication, NL (b); Bouwkennis kwartaalrapport 3: Interview w/ Bjarne Mastenbroek, NL (m); DWCorporate 3: Interview met Bjarne Mastenbroek, NL (m); Architektura & Biznes 6: Posbank pavilion, Poland (m); het Houtblad 6: Wolzak farmhouse, NL (m); de Architect 7/8: Embassy Addis Ababa, NL (m); Rails 9: 50 Debutanten coming up!, SeARCH, NL (m); de Architect 11: Floriande Island 7 housing, NL (m); architektur.aktuell 10: Embassy Addis Abeba, Austria (m); het Houtblad 8: Floriande Island 7 housing, NL (m); Architektur + wettbewerbe 204: Hotels und restaurants, Posbank pavilion, Germany (m); Norske arkitektkonkurranser 401: Airforce 10, Norway (m); het Experiment: essay Bjarne Mastenbroek: Knokken voor je vak, Atelier Rijksbouwmeester publication, NL (b); AM Magazine 5: Architectuur Prijs Achterhoek 2005: Wolzak farmhouse, NL (m)
2004 > Arquitectura y critica 49: Almere blok 5, Spain (m); Smaak 15: Dutch Embassy Addis Ababa, NL (m); ArchIdea 29: Posbank pavilion, Forbo publication, NL (m); Denkboek voor de cultuurimpuls ISV, Cultuur en stedelijke vernieuwing: culture cluster Roombeek, Ministerie OCW publication, NL (b); A+U 403: Young architects in the Netherlands, Posbank pavilion & Stavanger Konserthus, Japan (m); Kenchiku Bunka 671: Culture education centre Triade, Posbank pavilion, Stavanger Konserthus & Dorpsschool, Japan (m); Smaak 16: Dutch Embassy Addis Ababa, NL (m); Bauwelt 20: Dutch speed exposition at Blauraum, Germany (m); Stedenbouw/ Urban planning: Hedenman terrein, Kop Westerdok, de architectengroep publication, NL (b); Archipuncturale '04: Caravan, SKCG publication, NL (b); De Architect extra: Sternet, Democratische ruimtes, NL (m); Zo!, tips en trucs voor efficiënte planontwikkeling van complexe woningbouwprojecten in Amsterdam: Oeverpad housing, Gemeente Amsterdam publication, NL (b); Eastern harbour district Amsterdam, urbanism and architecture: Borneo Island housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Dime 15: Borneo Island housing, Japan (m); Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke ordening 4, De tweede impuls, vernieuwing van de Westelijke Tuinsteden: Oeverpad housing, NL (m); Pen 138: Borneo Island housing, Japan (m); Architese 4: Posbank pavilion, Switzerland (m); False flat, Why Dutch design is so good: Posbank pavilion, NL (b); het Houtblad 7: Floriande Island 7 housing, NL (m); Fresher facts, The best buildings by young architects in the Netherlands: Posbank pavilion, NAi Publishers, NL (b); De Gouden Piramide 2003, Rijksprijs voor inspirerend opdrachtgeverschap; Culture education centre Triade & Posbank pavilion, 010 Publishers, NL (b)
2003 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2002-03: Posbank pavilion, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Villas 65: Borneo Island housing, Belgium (m); de Architect 1: Participatie in maatschappelijke bewegingen, Almere blok 5, Rechurch & Soft-edge, NL (m); Reality machines: Borneo Island housing, Posbank pavilion & Rechurch, NL (c); het Parool 08.02.2003: Hoe weinig heb je nodig voor een lekker gebouw?, Bredero college, NL (p); de Volkskrant 27.02.2003: Een kraag van schapenwol, Posbank pavilion, NL (p); Bauwelt 9: Posbank pavilion, Germany (m); Arquitectura y critica 45: Culture education centre Triade & Posbank pavilion, Spain (m); Stedenbouw 599: Zenderpark housing, NL (m); Baumeister 3: Posbank pavilion, Germany (m); Ottagono 158: Posbank pavilion, Floriande Island 7 housing, Almere blok 5, Italy (m); l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 345: Canadian club, France (m); de Architect 4: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); Elle Wonen 79: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); het Parool PS 08.04.2003: Mooi gebouwd, Bredero college, NL (m); TV Noord-Holland: BouwVak, five tv programs presented by Lucas Verweij & Bjarne Mastenbroek, about architecture, urban planning and design in North-Holland, NL (t); SeARCH startbook: works & aspirations by Bjarne Mastenbroek/ SeARCH, SeARCH publication, NL (b); Casa Vogue 214: Borneo Island housing, Brasil (m); Techniques & architecture 465: Posbank pavilion, France (m); H.O.M.E. 6: Borneo Island housing, Austria (m); NRC 06.06.2003: Superdutch, de doorbraak van het neotraditionalisme, NL (p); Arhitectura 17: New mentality, 4 Projects by SeARCH, Portugal (m); Duurzaam bouwen 5: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); 1op4 2: Culture education centre Triade, Welstandzorg Noord-Holland publication, NL (p); Vivenda 7: Borneo Island housing, NL (m); Cobouw 03.09.2003: Mastenbroek maakt plan voor Roombeek, Museum complex Enschede, NL (p); Living 6: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); Pantheon 2: Hoe maakt SeARCH het?, project documentation & interview with Bjarne Mastenbroek, DBSG Stylos publication, NL (m); het Houtblad 7: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); Ottagono 165: Borneo Island housing, Italy (m); Deutsche Bauzeitung 12: Posbank pavilion, Germany (m); Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek, Transformatie van een industrieterrein: Korfbalvereniging Westerpark, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Designing the European city, 15 Years Europan in the Netherlands: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, Stichting Europan Nederland publication, NL (b)
2002 > Architecture in the Netherlands, A history of planning and building in the Netherlands: Villa KBWW & Oeverpad housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); de Architect 1: Bredero college, NL (m); A+U 376: 9 Projects by van Gameren Mastenbroek, Japan (m); Hout in de bouw 3: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); AIT 4: Steenwijk office, Germany (m); Arbitare 417, Speciale Olanda: Trommel housing, Spain (m); de Architect 4: Villa Gamma, NL (m); Bauwelt 14: Culture education centre Triade, Germany (m); Natuurbehoud 5: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); Home 6, Dutchlife: Posbank pavilion & Ypenburg housing, Japan (m); Detail 7/8: extension of de architectengroep office, Germany (m); Smaak 7: Kop Westerdok, NL (m); Bauwelt 29: Zuiveringspark housing, Germany (m); Vrij Nederland 12.10.2002: Het gedroomde museum, interview about the future Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, NL (m); Quaderns 235: Culture education centre Triade, Spain (m); A+t 20, Density II: IJburg blok 17, Spain (m); Projekt & interieur 6, Posbank pavilion, NL (m); Quaderni di Architettura 23: Oeverpad housing & Borneo Island housing, Italy (m); Brutus 11: Kop Westerdok, Japan (m); Woningbouwplannen Amsterdam 2001/ 2002: IJburg blok 17, Stedelijke Woningdienst Amsterdam publication, NL (b); Zenderpark in beeld: Zenderpark housing, Stichting Wooninfo publication, NL (b)
2001 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2000-01: Steenwijk office & Borneo Island housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Prototype and experiment: 8 Projects by van Gameren Mastenbroek, 010 Publishers, NL (b); Domus 834: Borneo Island housing, Italy (m); Raum und Wohnen 2: Borneo Island housing, Germany (m); Häuser 4: Trommel housing, Germany (m); de Architect 5: Steenwijk office, NL (m); Bausubstantz 5: Trommel housing, Germany (m); de Architect 12: Culture education centre Triade, NL (m); Stedebouw & architectuur 12: Culture education centre Triade, NL (m)
2000 > Deutsche Bauzeitung 8: Borneo Island housing, Germany (m); de Architect 10: Posbank pavilion, NL (m); de Architect 12: Borneo Island housing, NL (m); AV Vivienda en detalle 86: Borneo Island housing, Spain (m); Elle-wonen: Borneo Island housing, NL (m); Het kunstmatige landschap, hedendaagse architectuur, stedenbouw en landschapsarchitectuur in Nederland: Villa KBWW, Borneo Island housing, Zuiveringspark housing, Kop Westerdok & Posbank pavilion, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Oostoever Sloterplas Amsterdam, een nieuwe woonwijk in de Westelijke tuinsteden: Zuiveringspark housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Woningbouwplannen Amsterdam 1999/ 2000: Funen housing, Stedelijke Woningdienst Amsterdam publication, NL (b)
1999 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 1998-99: Oeverpad housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); SD Design 1: Oeverpad housing, Japan (m); Vogue 1: Villa KBWW, Italy (m); Europan implementations 14: A housing block with roof-top car park, Gerard Noodtstraat housing, Untimely books, Greece (b); Architectural design, Residential complexes: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, Spain (b); Architectural design, Villa’s: Villa KBWW, Spain (b); Architectura y critica: Villa KBWW, Spain (m); Frame 7 vol. 3: Villa KBWW, NL (m); Baumeister 7, de architectengroep office, Germany (m); Bauwelt 38: Borneo Island housing, Germany (m); Single family housing: Villa KBWW, Birkhäuser/ Actar Publishers, Spain (b); Woningbouwplannen Amsterdam 1998/ 1999: Trommel housing, Stedelijke Woningdienst Amsterdam publication, NL (b)
1998 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands1997-98: Villa KBWW, NAi Publishers, NL (b); De architectuur van het wonen anno 1998: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, Stawon publication, NL (b); Arquitectos 178/ 179: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, Portugal (m); Quaderns 219: Villa KBWW, Spain (m); Guide to modern architecture in the Netherlands, 010 Publishers, NL (g); FARMAX, Excursions on density: Villa KBWW, 010 Publishers, NL (b); Bauwelt 3: Villa KBWW, Germany (m); l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 316: Villa KBWW, France (m); de Architect, dossier Woongebouwen: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, NL (m); de Architect 5: Villa KBWW, NL (m); Baumeister 5: Villa KBWW, Germany (m); Woningraad 20: Oeverpad housing, NL (m); ARCH+ 11: Villa KBWW, Germany (m); A+U 11: Villa KBWW, Japan (m); Architectuur & bouwen 12: Villa KBWW, NL (m); de Architect 12: Zuiveringspark housing, NL (m); Deutsche Bauzeitung: Villa KBWW, Germany (m)
1997 > Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 1997-98: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, NAi Publishers, NL (b); Archis 1: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, NL (m); de Architect 1: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, NL (m); Bouw 2: Primaat van de ruimte, interview with Bjarne Mastenbroek, NL (m); El Croquis 86: Villa KBWW, Spain (m); de Architect 6: de architectengroep office, NL (m); Project 6: Gerard Noodtstraat housing, Russia (m); Archis 11: Villa KBWW, NL (m); Abitare 368: de architectengroep office, Spain (m); Architectural design, Rehabilited buildings: de architectengroep office, Spain (b); Zodiac 18: Villa KBWW, Italy (m)
1994 > Ontwerpend aan Holland: Roofmade city, NL (c); Quaderns 203: Canalhouse renovation, Spain (m)
1993 > de Architect 9: Canalhouse renovation, NL (m); De kracht van heden, Fonds BKVB publication, NL (c)
1992 > de Architect 2: Europan 2, NL (m); Tefchos 7: Europan 2, Greece (m); Wonen aan de stadsrand: CO2HO2HOC project, SFB publication, NL (b); Bouw 12: Wonen aan de stadsrand, NL (m)
1991 > Europan 2: Living in the city, SFB publication, NL (c); International catalogue Europan 2, France (c)
1990 > Bouw 8: Archiprix 1990, NL (m)
2011 > Gouden AAP (Architecture Price Amsterdam) for the synagogue Amsterdam
2011 > Wallpaper* Design award 2011 for Villa Vals (i.c.w. Christian Müller)
2010 > Brick Award 2010 for housing project Het Podium
2010 > Green Good Design Award 2010, the Chicago Atheneum, for Villa Vals (i.s.m. Christian Müller)
2010 > Green Good Design Award 2010, the Chicago Atheneum, for Bostoren Schovenhorst, Putten
2010 > Nomination National Stealprice 2010 for Forest Tower, Schovenhorst, Putten
2010 > Nomination Amsterdam Architecture Price (A.A.P.) 2010, for Housing project De Meester
2009 > Architect of the year 2009
2009 > Winner Arie Keppler Prijs 2009 of the Foundation Welstandszorg Noord-Holland
2009 > National VVV-price for our client wrt TwenteWelle
2008 > Junior College nominated for the Scholenbouworijs 2008
2007 > Gouden Piramide Prize for excellent commission for the rebuilding and restructuring of the Roombeek area with amongst others the Culture Cluster, Enschede, NL
2007 > Aga Khan Award 2007 for the Dutch Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (w/ Dick van Gameren)
2006 > Architectural Record Design Vanguard 2006
2005 > Achterhoek Architecture Prize 2005 for the Wolzak farmhouse, Zutphen, NL
2004 > Gouden Piramide Prize for excellent commission for the Westergasfabriek Culture Park with amongst others the Ladderhouse, Amsterdam, NL
2004 > Nominated for the AM-NAi Prize for the Posbank pavilion, Rheden, NL
2003 > Gouden Piramide Prize for excellent commission for the Posbank pavilion, Rheden, NL
2003 > Top 10 nomination Wood Prize Architecture for the Posbank pavilion, Rheden, NL
2003 > Dutch School Prize for Bredero college, Amsterdam, NL (w/ Dick van Gameren)
2003 > Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award for the Posbank pavilion, Rheden, NL
2000 > Piramide Housing Prize for excellent commission for Oeverpad housing, Amsterdam, NL (w/ Dick van Gameren)
2000 > Honourable mention Apeldoorn Architecture Prize for the Canadian club, Apeldoorn, NL (with Dick van Gameren)
2000 > Grand Prix Rhénan d'Architecture for Villa KBWW, Utrecht, NL (in collaboration with MVRDV)
2000 > Honourable mention Dutch Concrete Award for Borneo island, Amsterdam, NL (w/ Dick van Gameren)
1998 > Honourable mention Dutch Steel Award for Villa KBWW, Utrecht, NL (in collaboration with MVRDV)
1995 > Charlotte Köhler Prize, Prins Bernhard Fund (w/ Dick van Gameren)
1992 > Second prize Court for the 21st Century competition, Haarlem, NL (w/ Dick van Gameren)
1991 > First prize EuroPAN II, Nijmegen, NL (w/ Dick van Gameren)
1990 > First prize Archiprix national graduation award for Immuniteit St. Marie, Utrecht, NL
1987 > Honourable mention Hotel des Pays-Bas competition, Utrecht, NL (w/ Dick van Gameren)
Ausstellungen, Vorträge
2010 > „Wie niet weg is, is gezien“ Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, NL
2010 > Zuidas Architectuur, Kunstapel Zuidas, Amsterdam, NL
2010 > Nieuwe Oogst’ van 2010, ARCAM, Amsterdam, NL
2010 > Expositie Landschapsarchitectuur, TU Delft, NL
2010 > Charity Chair, exhibition and action, DE, NL
2010 > Architecture of Consequence, Nijmegen, NL
2010 > Contemplating the Void, New York, USA
2010 > Architecture of Consequence, Rotterdam, NAi,
2010 > Munster, Architectuur over de grens II
2009 > Moskou, Lucky Dutch
2009 > Dutch Design Works, Shangai CN
2009 > „Maison de Architecture et de la Ville, Dentelles d'Architecture“, Calais, FR
2009 > Rotterdam NAi, Coolpower, expositie finalisten Rotterdams Stadskantoor, NL
2009 > Rotterdam, NAi, Manifestatie Maak ons land, NL
2008 > Golden Pyramids, NAi Rotterdam, NL
2007 > Rietveld Award Selection, Utrecht, NL
2007 > Europan Generation The Reinterpreted city / La ville Réinterpretée, Paris, FR
2006 > New Faces in European Architecture, NAi Maastricht, NL
2006 > SeARCH, Gallery RAS, Barcelona, E
2005 > Fresher facts 2004, NAi, Rotterdam, NL
2004 > Star network: cultural heritage, NAi, Rotterdam, NL
2004 > Archipuncturale '04, DRU complex, Ulft, NL
2004 > Dutch speed, Salon Blauraum, Hamburg, Germany
2003 > Reality machines, NAi, Rotterdam, NL
2002 > Typecasts: van Gameren Mastenbroek projects 91-01, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, NL
1999 > Biennale Sao Paolo, Villa KBWW & Oeverpad housing, Sao Paolo, Brasil
1998 > The debut, Arcam gallery, Amsterdam, NL
1998 > Groepcity, ABC-gallery, Haarlem, NL
1997 > Housing in Amsterdam, Arcam gallery, Amsterdam, NL
1993 > Contemporary forces, selection by FvBKVB, Amsterdam, NL
1992 > Europan 2, Amsterdam, Madrid, London
1991 > Archiprix national graduation exhibition, Den Haag, Delft, Arnhem, NL
Ansprechpartner:in für die Projektdaten: nextroom
Bjarne MastenbroekAd Bogerman
Uda Visser
Hamerstraat 3
1021 Amsterdam
Tel +32 20 7889900