
Zu Gast im Az W: Buchpräsentation Otto Kapfinger
Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014, 19:00 Uhr
Architekturzentrum Wien - Bibliothek
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Wien

Veranstalter:in: Architekturzentrum Wien

Architektur im Sprachraum – Essays, Reden, Kritiken zum Planen und Bauen in Österreich

Eva Guttmann, diachron - Verein zur Verbreitung und Vertiefung des Wissens über Architektur (Hg.)
Gunther Wawrik, architect
Otto Kapfinger, author

Since the 1980s, Otto Kapfinger (born 1949) has shaped Austrian architectural journalism in a well-versed professional and linguistic form. His work includes numerous book publications and articles in Austrian and international trade journals and daily media. 50 texts from the past decades, as well as an extensive bibliography, have been collected in this volume. This selection reflects fundamental action patterns of architecture, offers richly detailed insights into the various scenes in the Austrian states, takes brief excursions into neighbouring countries and provides an overview of the latest development of advanced construction in Austria.

„The architectonic knowledge, the planning-related knowledge, the instruments are global today. But architecture is still local. The unmistakably spatial experience that is right for the time and specific to the location arises in the intersecting of global knowledge with local distinctiveness. For me, architecture is still primarily a spatial experience.“ Otto Kapfinger

diachron - Eva Guttmann, Gabriele Kaiser, Claudia Mazanek (Hg.)
Buchgestaltung: Peter Duniecki
368 Seiten, 58 s/w-Abbildungen und Faksimiles
ISBN 978 3 906027 58 6
Park Books, Zürich 2014
EUR 29,90

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