
BFF... architecture et urbanisme
Luxemburg (L)

„Architectes Paczowski et Fritsch“ and „Beiler + François Architectes“ have already been part of the renowed Luxembourg architectural offices long before their merger in 2018. Beiler François Fritsch is now one of the key players in the sector.


„Creating quality and sustainable public and private spaces “… this is the leitmotiv that drives the daily life of the architectural practice Beiler François Fritsch.

Specialising in architecture, town planning and interior architecture, Beiler François Fritsch aims to be a „one stop shop“ both in terms of advice and in terms of implementation and coordination throughout the process of the project. Drawing on our experience in public buildings, offices and entire housing sector including the design of individual houses.

In constant search of the aesthetics of spaces, public and private places, our architectural approach consists in developing expressive strong projects which enable users to identify with their project. For us, the architectural image and the functionality of a building are the key elements of the project which need to be delivered on time and within budget, however not sacrificing the art of building to produce a contemporary classic.

By innovating and using cutting edge of technology, the brand signature of Beiler François Fritsch creates a high-quality sustainable architecture. Sensitive to the ecological footprint left by our creations on the environment and on society, our practice of 70+ people take a socially responsible approach and are fully committed and constantly innovate and apply practices in the field of sustainable development.

Ansprechpartner:in für die Projektdaten: nextroomoffice[at]nextroom.at


Mathias Fritsch
Tom Beiler
Alexandre Urosevic
Yvonne Kunath

35, rue du Père Raphaël
2413 Luxemburg

Tel +352 263646-1

BFF... architecture et urbanisme, Foto: BFF... architecture et urbanisme