
Barrier-free office
Martin Repický - Zvolen (SK) - 2005
Barrier-free office, Foto: Martin Repický
Barrier-free office, Foto: Martin Repický
Barrier-free office, Foto: Martin Repický
Barrier-free office by Martin Repicky is a minor architecture of a precarious typological identity. The barrier-free workplace for the handicapped is becoming a standard function. It reflects the search for relations of function, economy and form. The architectural piece is a simple prism with front-glassed wall. No expressive architectural gestures were needed to define the cultivated form. This „building“ is not permanent but it has all attributes of an autonomous object in its position within the urban green zone. It is a designed world of its own. Štefan Moravčík

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Für den Beitrag verantwortlich: Architekturarchiv Slowakei

Ansprechpartner:in für diese Seite: nextroomoffice[at]

