Újpalota Parochial Church
Kima Studio - Budapest (H) - 2009
10. Mai 2009 - Architekturarchiv Ungarn
Újpalota, the suburb of Budapest, built in 1975 for more than 30.000 people, with 10 storey high concrete residential blocks since its construction has lacked any development that would form the spiritual centre. The new curch, built for the catholic community aims to bring this back, being a place of contemplation and a meeting point at the same time, located at the point where the high rise buildings meet the traditional urban fabric.
The church reverts to the traditional layout and materials of the roman basilica, like stone, timber and brick, with simple, contemporary form and detailing. (architects' text)
The church reverts to the traditional layout and materials of the roman basilica, like stone, timber and brick, with simple, contemporary form and detailing. (architects' text)
Für den Beitrag verantwortlich: Architekturarchiv Ungarn
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