archithese 5.2013
When in the late summer of 2012 we decided on the title for this current issue, we already knew that the title we chose, a play on words with the analogous translation of the German phrase – „a weakness for materiality“ –, which we transformed into „weak materiality“, would require an issue covering a wider ground than „just“ the topic of materiality. This also prevented a reiteration of the same „classical“ discourse on materiality, which could be seen, for example, in the issue „Magie der Werkstoffe“ of the magazine Daidalos (June 1995), and which has shaped especially the Swiss-German architecture over the last three decades.
While Switzerland explored material and its consistency, the worldwide discourse turned towards the immaterial realm. The discovery of the cyberspace as a virtual space made of bits sparked the collective imagination. However, the architect’s longing for tangibility remained also in times of digital body- and weightlessness. The intent to materialise virtual visions was the driving force behind the progress and led, over the years, to a shift of focus from space to material. Hence today, the new field of digital fabrication transforms the weak and vague materiality of the digital world into a novel, strong and physical materiality.
Looking for references for these new production methods, the evaluation of real phenomena brings hidden strengths of the seemingly weak to light. For example, when the hardening of folds of a cloth, be it through congelation or concreting, leads to an optimisation of the bearing structure. While in the past, weak material could only be explored through experimentation – Heinz Isler has to be mentioned as a protagonist in this respect – digital tools for analysis and production now enable engineers and architects to discover unanticipated strengths, which are starting to change our aesthetic sense of right and wrong.
Nevertheless, this issue also aims to question technological progress and contrasts digital manufacturing with traditional crafts and trades. The purpose is less to discuss the pros and cons of each and more to provide the ground for a mutually beneficial exchange. Michael Hansmeyer’s sandstone 3-D prints that are worked on under the supervision of a church conservator show, how in a post-digital era different disciplines and movements come together to form new cooperations. In order for this to succeed, knowledge passed down through generations has to be protected and preserved, skills in handling and processing materials, attained through observation or oral exchange, have to be fostered and maintained. This is of special importance for the emerging and thriving countries of Asia, where the speed of industrialisation fuels a cultural change that puts weak knowledge under pressure.
As in life, the truly weak has to struggle in the editorial as well and is thus mentioned last. But in how far does the weak have to gain strength, has to steel itself to find its way into architecture? A very personal answer to that might be offered by artist Heidi Bucher’s skin rooms, an entertaining one by the introduction of the bouncy castle into the canon of architecture.
The editors
Architektur aktuell
10 Verborgene Innenwelten. Walter Angonese & Andrea Marastoni: Sammlung Dalle Nogare in Bozen | Florian Dreher
18 Karneval der Alphatiere. Die Neubauten für den Campus der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien | Christian Kühn
24 «Glücklich ist, wer vergisst, was nicht mehr zu ändern ist». Konzept für eine Rede über das Zwergpudelland Österreich | Wolf D. Prix
28 Zeitdiagnose und Lebenslinien. Bestandsaufnahme der österreichischen Architekturszene | Oliver Schürer
34 Kooperative Prozesse. Innovative Strukturen in und aus Österreich | Klaus Bollinger, Arne Hofmann, Susanne Nowak
38 Architektonische Silhouetten in Salzburg. Bestand und Zukunft der «Welthauptstadt des Provinziellen» | Max Rieder
46 Holzarchitektur made in Austria. Vorarlberg als Erfolgsmodell | Hermann Kaufmann
48 Gestalten. Politik und Architektur im Wiener Wohnbau | Georg Kolmayr
54 Big and Cool. Wohnmaschine oder Groundscraper | Florian Dreher
58 Städtebau, Sklerose, Seeoase. Aktuelle Planungen in Österreich vor dem Hintergrund einer grossen Tradition | Martin Zettel
64 Alpine Wucherungen. Erlebnislandschaften der Hypermoderne | Michael Zinganel
70 Junk-Space für Junkfood. Die Wiener Würstelstände | Sebastian Hackenschmidt
74 Fragmente des Denkbaren. Raum und Architektur im frühen österreichischen Film | Thomas Ballhausen
80 (Un-)Wirkliche Verdichtungen: Lois Renner. Aus dem Kraftraum des Künstlers oder Wie das Zauberwerk in Gang gesetzt wird | Florian Dreher
84 Austria Architektur. Ironie und Kritik | Gustav Peichl
88 Sammlung. Bedeutende Architekturprojekte aus Österreich, realisiert zwischen 1960 und 2013
96 Literatur aus Österreich. Eine repräsentative Auswahl im Dunstkreis der Architektur
98 fsai
102 Neues aus der Industrie
110 Lieferbare Hefte
112 Vorschau und Impressum
While Switzerland explored material and its consistency, the worldwide discourse turned towards the immaterial realm. The discovery of the cyberspace as a virtual space made of bits sparked the collective imagination. However, the architect’s longing for tangibility remained also in times of digital body- and weightlessness. The intent to materialise virtual visions was the driving force behind the progress and led, over the years, to a shift of focus from space to material. Hence today, the new field of digital fabrication transforms the weak and vague materiality of the digital world into a novel, strong and physical materiality.
Looking for references for these new production methods, the evaluation of real phenomena brings hidden strengths of the seemingly weak to light. For example, when the hardening of folds of a cloth, be it through congelation or concreting, leads to an optimisation of the bearing structure. While in the past, weak material could only be explored through experimentation – Heinz Isler has to be mentioned as a protagonist in this respect – digital tools for analysis and production now enable engineers and architects to discover unanticipated strengths, which are starting to change our aesthetic sense of right and wrong.
Nevertheless, this issue also aims to question technological progress and contrasts digital manufacturing with traditional crafts and trades. The purpose is less to discuss the pros and cons of each and more to provide the ground for a mutually beneficial exchange. Michael Hansmeyer’s sandstone 3-D prints that are worked on under the supervision of a church conservator show, how in a post-digital era different disciplines and movements come together to form new cooperations. In order for this to succeed, knowledge passed down through generations has to be protected and preserved, skills in handling and processing materials, attained through observation or oral exchange, have to be fostered and maintained. This is of special importance for the emerging and thriving countries of Asia, where the speed of industrialisation fuels a cultural change that puts weak knowledge under pressure.
As in life, the truly weak has to struggle in the editorial as well and is thus mentioned last. But in how far does the weak have to gain strength, has to steel itself to find its way into architecture? A very personal answer to that might be offered by artist Heidi Bucher’s skin rooms, an entertaining one by the introduction of the bouncy castle into the canon of architecture.
The editors
Architektur aktuell
10 Verborgene Innenwelten. Walter Angonese & Andrea Marastoni: Sammlung Dalle Nogare in Bozen | Florian Dreher
18 Karneval der Alphatiere. Die Neubauten für den Campus der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien | Christian Kühn
24 «Glücklich ist, wer vergisst, was nicht mehr zu ändern ist». Konzept für eine Rede über das Zwergpudelland Österreich | Wolf D. Prix
28 Zeitdiagnose und Lebenslinien. Bestandsaufnahme der österreichischen Architekturszene | Oliver Schürer
34 Kooperative Prozesse. Innovative Strukturen in und aus Österreich | Klaus Bollinger, Arne Hofmann, Susanne Nowak
38 Architektonische Silhouetten in Salzburg. Bestand und Zukunft der «Welthauptstadt des Provinziellen» | Max Rieder
46 Holzarchitektur made in Austria. Vorarlberg als Erfolgsmodell | Hermann Kaufmann
48 Gestalten. Politik und Architektur im Wiener Wohnbau | Georg Kolmayr
54 Big and Cool. Wohnmaschine oder Groundscraper | Florian Dreher
58 Städtebau, Sklerose, Seeoase. Aktuelle Planungen in Österreich vor dem Hintergrund einer grossen Tradition | Martin Zettel
64 Alpine Wucherungen. Erlebnislandschaften der Hypermoderne | Michael Zinganel
70 Junk-Space für Junkfood. Die Wiener Würstelstände | Sebastian Hackenschmidt
74 Fragmente des Denkbaren. Raum und Architektur im frühen österreichischen Film | Thomas Ballhausen
80 (Un-)Wirkliche Verdichtungen: Lois Renner. Aus dem Kraftraum des Künstlers oder Wie das Zauberwerk in Gang gesetzt wird | Florian Dreher
84 Austria Architektur. Ironie und Kritik | Gustav Peichl
88 Sammlung. Bedeutende Architekturprojekte aus Österreich, realisiert zwischen 1960 und 2013
96 Literatur aus Österreich. Eine repräsentative Auswahl im Dunstkreis der Architektur
98 fsai
102 Neues aus der Industrie
110 Lieferbare Hefte
112 Vorschau und Impressum
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